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The Winter Fauxliage Bouquet


Our Fauxliage bouquet has been created as a base foliage arrangement for you to update seasonally with just 5 stems and this is our Winter take on it!  With just 5 extra stems in addition to the Fauxliage bouquet (consisting of wonderfully textured Winter branches, a gorgeous burgundy skimmia, a frosted leaf & berry stem and a frosted pine cone stem), we have completely changed the look and feel of the base arrangement which can be continued on a seasonal basis!

Our ‘Faux-liage’ bouquet is based on a new concept giving our lovely customers the chance to add their own style and stems on a seasonal basis to a pre-arranged base bouquet! The idea is to be able to create an entirely new look using just a few new stems each season.

The Faux-liage base bouquet consists of an array of faux foliage stems in a range of different tones, from grey-greens to glossy greens with an abundance of shape, texture and a beautifully delicate white astrantia flower which works so well year-round.

Please note this listing is for both the Fauxliage bouquet and the Winter stems already included (pre-arranged & hand-tied as shown in the images). If you would like the Fauxliage bouquet on its own without the Winter stems please follow this link here, if you are looking for just the Winter stem bundle to update your Fauxliage bouquet follow the link here.

All of our bouquets come pre-arranged & hand-tied with stems already cut for you to pop straight into a vase & enjoy!

Dimensions: Please note that as each arrangement is handmade the below dimensions are an approximate guide only. H 60cm x W 55cm

The occasional stem may vary from what is pictured as each bouquet is creatively selected by hand, but the overall theme and look will remain the same and will contain a guaranteed minimum number of stems.


Standard delivery for all UK orders will be charged at £7.95 for all large bouquets & vases and £5.95 for all small and medium arrangements/vases and art prints. All of our arrangements are hand made to order so please allow up to 7 working days for delivery. Once processed, all shipments will be made via a tracked delivery service.

Please note if you order a Fauxquet bouquet, stems or vase alongside an art print, these items will arrive separately.


All of our faux bouquets are very low maintenance but require a little care every now and then to keep them looking their best. To keep them looking as good as new, occasionally remove any dust buildup with a light dust or gentle blast with a hairdryer on its coolest setting. Where possible keep out of direct sunlight to avoid colour fading. 

Please note that although every care has been taken when trimming wire stems, occasionally a sharp fragment can remain so please take care when handling your arrangement.



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