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One-off Faux Bouquet Autumn Greens


This gorgeous artificial bouquet One-off Artificial Bouquet ‘Autumn Greens’ is part of our ‘one-off’ range, so this is the only one available and we won’t be replicating it!

A fresh palette of greens and whites and an abundance of foliage make this the perfect year-round arrangement. Full of seeded stems, berries, budding viburnum and branches its full of detail and texture!

Please note price is for the bouquet only, vases are available here.

Dimensions: Please note that as each arrangement is handmade the below dimensions are an approximate guide only.
Bouquet Height (including stems) 65cm x Width 65cm

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Standard delivery for all UK orders will be charged at £7.95 for all large bouquets & vases and £5.95 for all small and medium arrangements/vases and art prints. All of our arrangements are hand made to order so please allow up to 7 working days for delivery. Once processed, all shipments will be made via a tracked delivery service.

Please note if you order a Fauxquet bouquet, stems or vase alongside an art print, these items will arrive separately.


All of our faux bouquets are very low maintenance but require a little care every now and then to keep them looking their best. To keep them looking as good as new, occasionally remove any dust buildup with a light dust or gentle blast with a hairdryer on its coolest setting. Where possible keep out of direct sunlight to avoid colour fading.

Please note that although every care has been taken when trimming wire stems, occasionally a sharp fragment can remain so please take care when handling your arrangement.



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